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Senior Adult Ministry

SAM (Senior Adult Ministry) is a social 'Life Group' that meets on the first Thursday of each month at a local restaurant.  Our fun-loving group is for anyone age 55 and over, so feel free to invite your friends to join us!



SAM (Senior Adult Ministry) is a social LifeGroup that meets on the first Thursday of each month. Our fun-loving group is for anyone age 55 and over, so feel free to invite your friends to join us!

Join the Forest Lake Police Department and AARP to learn more about the current ways people are being taken advantage of. The police will discuss scams that have happened in our community.

After the presentation, stay for a Italian Buffet from The Old Log Cabin ($20/person, payable that day) 

Here are all the specifics:


Thursday, February 6
10:00 am - Fraud Presentation Seminar put on by the FL Police and AARP
11:30 am - Italian Buffet from the Old Log Cabin ($20/person)


9300 Scandia Trail North, Forest Lake
The Garden Chapel (Upstairs)

Questions, please contact the church office at 651-464-5502 or

If you will be able to dine with us, please sign up so that I can let the restaurant know how many people to expect. However, please know that even if you haven't told me that you can participate and realize at the last minute that you can come after all, please join us!  There is always room for one more chair at the table!